Data Processing Agreement

Last updated: 20th January, 2024

This Data Processing Agreement ("Agreement") forms part of the contract for services ("Principal Agreement") between PandaHR Technologies Ltd ("Processor") and the customer entity ("Data Controller").

1. Definitions and Interpretation

Terms like "Controller", "Processor", "Data Subject", "Personal Data", and others are as defined in the relevant data protection laws and regulations.

2. Processing of Personal Data

The Processor agrees to process Personal Data only as per the instructions of the Data Controller and in compliance with applicable laws.

3. Rights of Data Subjects

The Processor shall assist the Data Controller in responding to requests from Data Subjects as required under data protection laws.

4. Processor Obligations

The Processor shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of Personal Data.

5. Sub-Processors

The Processor may engage Sub-Processors to process Personal Data, provided they meet the required data protection standards.

6. Data Transfers

Personal Data may be transferred outside of the original jurisdiction in compliance with the relevant data protection laws.

7. Data Breach Notification

Personal Data may be transferred outside of the original jurisdiction in compliance with the relevant data protection laws.

8. Data Retention and Deletion

The Processor shall retain Personal Data as per the terms of the Principal Agreement and delete or return all Personal Data after the end of the provision of services.

9. Audit and Compliance

The Data Controller has the right to conduct audits to ensure compliance with this Agreement.

10. General Terms

Details on liability, governing law, and other standard contractual terms.